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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top 4 Things I'm Sick of Already

1. Barack Obama
there's a sickness called barackitis and i've got it! i'm sick of hearing about Barack Obama!

if i hear that song one more time....

3. Mexican Food
i used to dislike authentic Mexican food. last year for spring break, my friends and I went to Mexico and I fell in love with the food. recently, while i was at home in Chicago for break, i visited this famous Mexican restaurant several times. Currently, i live in Texas where "TexMex" rules. Needless to say, I'm sick of Mexican food!

4. People Who Do Not Listen
recently, I've encountered several individuals who talk a lot, but are not good at listening. So, I'll be having a conversation, I think, and then these individuals will start dominating the convo and interrupting me! At that point, I begin to tune them out and start wondering about random things:

What's the reality?...some might call me a "hater," i just like to keep it real


Niki McNeill Brown said...

LOL!! First off... those flip flops are hilarious... secondly, that picture of Jayonce is TERRIFYING!

Dre' Leon said...

yea that beyonce/jay-z picture is scary as hell!

i could use some mexican food...i haven't had some in yrs. (taco bell doesn't count)

i haven't watched the news (CNN, MSNBC, etc) since Nov. 4th. I had to take a break from it b/c it was starting to become to much...i literally watched the news non-stop for a yr...